I was going to the annual DSA conference, but my car decided not to work. The gearbox did not want to co-operate with the rest of the car and made screaming noises while dripping fluid everywhere. It was not well.
I took it to be repaired, but the cost of repair was too much compared to the cars value. So I now have no car. I had my car for 11 years, so it felt really sad to see it go. It held so many memories for me.
Still let's look forward and not dwell to much on the past. Turn every negative into a positive....Well here goes.
I was thinking of getting a new one soon, but cars are not my thing and I end up making no decision to change it. Now I have to make a decision. It's an interesting process to do something you just do not like doing...for me it's buying a car. No idea why I do not like it, I just do not. I like driving cars and the faster the better.
So do I buy a car now? No! I do not. I will walk and experience something new. The exercise makes me feel good. I notice the bad smells cars make, plus the noise and general aggravation they generate for people in them. I wonder how long I can go with no car....Well not quite no car, as I do have a second one which I can "borrow" if it is not being used. So I still drive, just not as much as I used to.
Off to walk to the shops now.